Cassandra Mary Bauer


If you have found this page than I would like to lift the veil for you about my soul and my writing;

First of all, that is what I AM - A Soul, having this human experience.

I do my very best through my writing to reveal the inner workings of my souls perspective and not the human aspect.

Why do I do this?

Because I believe if I can give myself radical permission to express from the innermost knowing of who I AM, then I can communicate, connect, and be a mirror to the essence of you.

To hopefully allow your soul to feel a bit safer in this world and to know that you are not alone.

Ever since I was a little girl I have always had a very spirited imagination. After having a profound near death experience (NDE) I found myself to have an even more abstract and whimsical way of expressing through the human language.

It soothes my soul to write non-fiction from the inside - out perspective.

I get lost writing fairytales based on the deepest spaces of an uncaged imagination.

And, most importantly I love to channel messages & stories that God, Spirit and Source want you to remember.

As a soul in this human experience, I have witnessed what it is like to dive into the darkest voids within thy self and spend what feels like lifetimes building foundations painting walls with infinite colors.

In short, I get life.

And, in the same breath, I never will.

I feel you and I can agree on that?

So, I write from that place.

I write from a knowing and a never knowing.

I write from the sacred space within that was awakened to an understanding that this is the only place that truly exists.

I write from the birthplace of you and I,

I write from Love.

As the reader I ask you to be willing to give yourself permission to dive deep into new worlds with me.

I urge you to let go of the humanness of it all and remember the spirit of you.

I challenge you to go back to little you in moments that confusion or judgements arise.

I ask you to be present within every space, word, breath, sentence, paragraph and mystery woven within and through the mental illustrations and collisions with the heart that i bring forth.


Because I guarantee that you will find an aspect of yourself suspended in that moment.

I trust that you landed here because there is a piece of reflection from my writing that will offer your soul a breath from this human experience.

I know for a fact that one of the reasons you landed here is to feel a little safer in this world right now.

I know just by reading that you realize you are not alone.

Forever & Always LOVE from one soul to another.


For More About Cassandra Mary Bauer Click Here